Productivity Solutions Grant
The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) was launched on April 2018 to assist businesses in their transformation journey.
PSG supports the adoption of pre-scoped IT solutions, equipment and consultancy services that improves productivity, aligned to the industry roadmaps such as the Industry Transformation Maps (ITMs) and Industry Digital Plans (IDPs).
The maximum funding support level was raised from 70% to 80% from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2022 to encourage enterprises to continue their digitalisation and productivity upgrading efforts.
Who can apply?
Business entities can apply for PSG if they meet the following criteria:
- Registered and operating in Singapore
- Purchase/lease/subscription of the IT solutions/equipment/consultancy service must be used in Singapore
- (For selected solutions only) Have a minimum of 30% local shareholding
- (For selected solutions only) Have at least three local employees at the point of application
How to apply?
3 steps:
- Access the list of supportable solutions eligible for your sector and identify relevant solutions that best suit your business needs.
- For IT solutions: Get a quotation from the pre-approved vendor
For Equipment: Source for the equipment and get a quotation from the vendor
For Consultancy Service: Get a quotation from the pre-approved consultant - Submit an application on the Business Grants Portal (BGP).
You will need to register for a Corppass account to transact on the portal.
Supportable solutions
PSG covers sector-specific solutions including the Retail, Food, Logistics, Precision Engineering, Wholesale, Building and Construction, Financial Service, and Landscaping industries. PSG also supports businesses’ adoption of broad-based solutions that cut across all industries, such as Customer Relationship Management and Human Resource Management systems.
Businesses can choose from a list of pre-scoped solutions eligible to their sectors.
Use the navigation menu to access the IT solutions/equipment/consultancy service pre-scoped for your sector.
This listing is not to be taken as a form of endorsement or recommendation by the participating government agencies. Companies are reminded to carry out due diligence when engaging vendors, and not to share the Corppass with their vendors to carry out submission of any grant application or claims
Solutions supported under the Productivity Solutions Grant are regularly reviewed. Do take note of the current support levels and grant caps.
Please note that for Remote Working Solution categories (“Online Collaboration Tools” and “Virtual Meeting Tools”), each business entity may only be supported for one application per category.
The support for COVID-19 continuity measures have ceased on 31 Dec 2020.
If you’d like to become a pre-qualified vendor for PSG IT solutions, click here to find out more.